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The Best Sports Events to See in the USA in 2024

From the MLB (Major League Baseball) to the NBA (National Basketball Association); NFL (National Football League) and MLS (Major League Soccer) – there are more sports events than you can shake a stick at to see in the USA. But which one would be your first choice?!

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world when it comes to entertainment – and the sporting arena is no exception. Fans come from far and wide to catch a glimpse of their favorite athletes. In this article, we’ll catalog the experiences worth pursuing, whether it’s trying to secure the best MLB game tickets or watching the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden – plus a few more options!

Oklahoma NFL Stadium, stands filled and game on the pitch Disclaimer: Almost all posts on this site contain affiliate links, and this one featuring The Best Sports Events to See in the USA is no different. This means that if you click on any of the links in this post (and make a purchase) I may receive a small commission at absolutely no cost to you. Each post is carefully crafted to (hopefully!) answer all your questions and recommendations are made where we believe they will improve your trip and help with your planning. As such we thank you in advance should you decide to click & buy. Read my full Disclosure here.

Catch a Glimpse of Messi in Miami

Soccer ball on the grass with a football boot resting on top Football fever, or soccer as it’s called in the States, broke out in a big way after Lionel Messi swapped Paris for Florida last year. The Argentine legend, fresh from winning a World Cup at the tail-end of 2022, was the star name recruited to David Beckham’s Inter Miami franchise. And while Messi didn’t come cheap, nobody can accuse him of not being good value for money. He’s provided highlight reel moments almost every time he’s taken the field in Miami.

What’s more, since arriving, a few famous friends have joined him in Florida. In the months following Messi’s switch, Barcelona legends Sergio Busquets, Jordi Alba and Luis Suarez all went over to play for the Major League Soccer franchise. Although they’re past their prime, class is permanent, and the quartet proves this regularly.

Messi turns 37 in 2024, so seeing him before he retires is on every soccer fan’s bucket list. Tickets are hard to find (and hard to afford), but seeing one of the greatest players of all time in the flesh before he hangs up his boots is an experience to tell your grandchildren about. 

Witness a Slam Dunk in Madison Square Garden

NBA Stadium surrounded by neon advertising boards If you’ve ever wanted to witness giants in the field of battle, the closest you might come is an NBA court. Attending an NBA game is an unforgettable experience that every sports fan should try to do.

The USA is home to the finest basketball players on the planet, and there’s no higher level for competition than the NBA. We mentioned veteran greats in our last section, and the truth is that Messi isn’t the only GOAT contender who is still active. Lebron James turns 40 on Christmas Eve but seeing him on that court still feels like Christmas came early. The Lakers star remains indispensable to his team.

Lebron has competition for the best active player in the league, though. There’s the new kid on the block, Victor Wembanyama. Expectations were high for the French prodigy – yet he’s somehow exceeded them at the San Antonio Spurs. And we can’t talk about bright stars without mentioning Stephen Curry, a man who launched a thousand YouTube compilations.

But if we’re talking about the experience as the setting as well as the stars, we advise trying to get a ticket to see the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden. One of the greatest stadiums in the world, MSG rarely disappoints when it comes to amazing moments.

Watch a Ball Game in an MLB Stadium

Turner Field Baseball Stadium Regularly described as ‘America’s pastime‘, there are few experiences as uniquely American as that of a Major League Baseball game.

It’s hard to explain to outsiders but baseball isn’t only a sport, it’s a culture. Although the game appears as though it’s going at a slow pace, attending in the flesh helps you appreciate the speed at which the players move.

If you care to question their power, wait until you hear the crack of the bat when a home run is hit. It’s an oddly euphoric moment, watching that ball soar through the air higher than you ever thought it could go.

Additionally, attending a baseball game can be a great way to spend time with family and friends, creating lasting memories together. It’s a mostly family-friendly atmosphere in which you can signal for a hotdog when you’re feeling hungry. What’s not to like?

Cheer a Touchdown Under Friday Night Lights

NFL Stadium filled with people, ceremony being held on the field Attending an American football game live in 2024 is an experience that everyone should try.

Outsiders sometimes fear that they won’t understand the rules, so here’s a quick breakdown. American football is a high-energy, physical sport that combines strategy, athleticism, and teamwork. The game is played in four quarters, with each team trying to advance the ball down the field to score points by either carrying it into the end zone or kicking it through the goalposts. Does that make it clear? It hardly matters. After sampling the atmosphere at a game, you’ll agree that it’s worth a road trip.

The stadiums are often filled with passionate fans who create a lively and electric environment. From the pre-game tailgating to the halftime shows, attending a football game is a full sensory experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

College football, in particular, offers a unique experience for fans. The tradition and pageantry surrounding college football games are unmatched, with rivalries that date back decades and iconic stadiums that are steeped in history. The passion and loyalty of college football fans add an extra layer of excitement to the games, making them a must-see for any sports enthusiast.

In 2024, attending an American football game, whether at the college or professional level, will provide an unforgettable experience that showcases the best of American sports culture.

Get Gladiatorial in the Combat Arena

Professional Boxing Match at The Forum, Inglewood It’s not for everyone, but America is the stomping ground for some of the fiercest fighters in the world. Witnessing two modern-day gladiators do battle is as adrenaline-pumping as it gets.

Witnessing two world-class athletes pit their wits against each other in a boxing ring is breath-taking. America has produced some of the most iconic boxers to ever throw a punch, Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson included. And while no active American fighter is at their level, there are still plenty of boxers plying their trade today who are well worth the price of admission.

And it really is different in person. The adrenaline-pumping action, the roar of the crowd, and the anticipation of each round make for a truly immersive and exciting experience. 

America is home to several of the best Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) organizations around, with UFC being the most reputable. If you prefer more dynamism in your combat viewing, this is the sport for you. Not only can knockout blows be delivered, but fighters can make their opponents tap out too.

Having said that, watching a pair of warriors go the distance is rarely a bad thing either.

So what are you waiting for? That’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sporting events in America, but it’s a heck of a start. Take out that bucket list and get planning!

Referree with his arms spread wide, back facing the camera, large letter R on the back of his black and white striped shirt


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